My birthday cake. Hazelnut meringues and red fruits.

gâteau d'anniversaire avec meringues aux noisettes

french version english version italian version (SCROLL DOWN)

The first post from abroad had to be my birthday cake. No secrets, indeed, last week was my birthday. I know that time goes fast, but honestly I have no problems with aging. It seems rather that I love my birthday even though my age increases exactly as my wrinkles do. It always deserves to be celebrated. I thought for several days about which cake I should make, with chocolate ? Or with the cream? Or maybe a semifreddo? It is not easy to choose the right one, isnt’it? The world is full of amazing desserts! Considering that the weather is finally warm here in Montreal and I feel a new great energy, I decided to prepare a colorful cake, full of fruits and whipped cream. The recipe comes from my old book “Marie Claire Kitchen” with a few little modifications. Do you think I made the right choice? I’ll bring this cake to FF #17 ( already 17!!!), Angie and her co-hosts, Jhuls, Selma and Alex  will decide it!


3 egg whites • 160 gr. icing sugar + more for sprinkle • 4 tablespoons of finely chopped hazelnuts • 300 ml. of whipping cream • the seeds of half a vanilla pod • 400 gr. of mixed fruit (strawberries, blueberries and raspberries) • some mint leaves

  • Preheat oven to 150 ° and line 2 trays with parchment paper (or 1 large tray);
  • Prepare the meringue by placing the egg whites in a bowl and beat them using a mixer until they are firm. Then add the icing sugar and continue to whip the egg whites until the mixture is thick and glossy;
  • Gently add the hazelnuts and stir by hand with a spatula;
  • Put 1-2 good tablespoons in the center of each baking tray, with the back of a spoon spread the meringue until you obtain 2 “discs” of about 20 cm. each;
  • Bake 40 minutes, turn off the oven, open the door of the oven and let them stand inside for 30 minutes;
  • Whip the cream with the vanilla seeds *;
  • Once the meringues have rested, build the layers of your cake by putting in the order of meringue, cream and fruits;
  • Sprinkle with icing sugar and garnish with some mint leaves.

La tarte de mon anniversaire

meringhe alla nocciola con panna

Le premier post en différé ne pouvait être qu’avec un gâteau. Pas de secrets, en fait, la semaine passée c’était mon anniversaire. Le temps s’en va vite, mais franchement je n’ai aucun problème avec mes anniversaires. On dirait plutôt que j’adore le jour de mon anniversaire même si mon âge augmente et mes rides aussi. Il faut toujours fêter. J’ai pensé plusieurs jours à quelle tarte me préparer… Au chocolat ? À la crème ? Peut-être un semifreddo ? Ce n’est pas facile, hein ?! Le monde est plein de desserts gourmands ! En considérant la chaleur finalement arrivée à Montréal et cette nouvelle énergie qui me grise, j’ai décidé que j’avais envie de me préparer une tarte pleine, pleine de fruits colorés que j’avais vue sur mon vieux livre Marieclaire Kitchen, avec quelques petites modifications. Ça vous tente ?


3 blancs d’œufs • 160 gr. de sucre à glace • 4 cuillères à table de noisettes finement concassées • 300 ml. de crème à fouetter • les graines d’une demie gousse de vanille • environ 400 gr. de fruits (fraises, bleuets et framboises) • quelques feuilles de menthe

  • Préchauffez le four à 150° et tapissez 2 plateaux à rôtir de papier parchemin (ou 1 gros);
  • Préparez la meringue en mettant les blancs d’œufs dans un bol et à l’aide d’un mixeur fouettez-les jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient extrêmement fermes;
  • Ajoutez le sucre, tout en continuant de fouetter les blancs d’œufs, jusqu’à un résultat lisse et d’un blanc éclatant;
  • Ajoutez délicatement les noisettes en remuant à la main avec une spatule;
  • Mettez 1-2 bonnes cuillères à table au centre de chaque plateau, avec le dos de la cuillère étalez la meringue jusqu’à obtenir 2 « disques » d’environ 20 cm chacun;
  • Cuisez 40 minutes, après éteignez le four, ouvrez-le et laissez reposer 30 minutes à l’intérieur;
  • Fouettez la crème avec la vanille;
  • Après le repos des meringues, montez  les étages de votre tarte en mettant dans l’ordre la meringue comme base, la crème et les fruits;
  • Saupoudrez de sucre à glace et garnissez de quelques feuilles de menthe.

La torta del mio compleanno. Meringhe alla nocciola con panna montata e frutti rossi.

hazelnut meringues cake


3 albumi • 160 gr. di zucchero a velo • 4 cucchiai di nocciole finemente tritate • 300 ml. di panna da montare • i semi di mezzo baccello di vaniglia • 400 gr. frutta ( fragole, mirtilli e lamponi ) • qualche fogliolina di menta

  • Preriscaldate il forno a 150 ° e rivestite due teglie con carta da forno ( o 1 teglia grande ) ;
  • Preparate la meringa mettendo gli albumi in una ciotola, montateli con un mixer fino a quando non saranno ben fermi;
  • Aggiungete lo zucchero a velo continuando a montare gli albumi fino a che non otterrete delle meringhe lisce e belle lucide;
  • Aggiungete delicatamente le nocciole mescolando con una spatola;
  • Mettere 1-2 cucchiai abbondanti di meringa alle nocciole al centro di ogni teglia , con il dorso del cucchiaio allargate la meringa fino ad ottenere dei “dischi” di circa 20 cm ciascuno;
  • Cuocete 40 minuti, spegnete il forno, apritelo e lasciate riposare per 30 minuti le meringhe all’interno;
  • Montate la panna con la vaniglia;
  • Dopo che il tempo di riposo delle meringhe sarà passato, formate gli strati della vostra torta secondo questo ordine : la meringa come base , la crema e poi la frutta frutta;
  • Cospargete di zucchero a velo e guarnite con le foglie di menta.

hazelnut meringues and whipped cream

142 thoughts on “My birthday cake. Hazelnut meringues and red fruits.

  1. You made a right choice, Margy! What a beautiful cake you have here! Thank you for sharing this with us! Hope you had a happy birthday! ❤

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and best best wishes! What a beautiful start to a new year – gorgeous cake! No doubt that this was ther prefect choice! So beautiful!

  3. Ma tantissimi auguri allora cara Marghe! Anche tu una gemellina come me! Io li ho compiuti il 26 maggio 🙂 Ma non mi sono fatta neanche il dolce pensa te….. Rubo una fetta di questa meraviglia e festeggiamo insieme? Buon compleanno!

    • In realtà io sarei un toro, al confine, ma gli auguri me li prendo volentieri e te li faccio pure a te! Visto che non te la sei fatta te ne cedo volentieri la metà! grazie mille, un abbraccione.

  4. Auguri, anche se un po’ in ritardo! 😉 la meringa in genere non mi fa allo stesso tempo adoro le meringhe con la panna.. se poi ricopro il tutto di colorati frutti di bosco un po’ asprigni perdo proprio la testa! Bellissima questa torta..e la nocciola come si comporta? Rende il sapore ancora più rotondo e completo? Non mancherò di testarla!
    a presto

  5. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, Margherita! I hope that your day was filled with love, happiness, sweet treats and beloved people around you! Hugs! ❤
    PS The photos are amazing as usual, and the cake as well 😀

  6. Intanto tanti, tanti auguri 🙂 qualche mese fa, di ritorno da un viaggio ad Amburgo, ci è capitato di fare una torta similissima, unica differenza fondamentale era la crema di accompagnamento : una crema moca sempre a base di panna 🙂 abbiamo adorato davvero quella torta e questa ricca di panna e frutta fresca ci mette davvero gola e voglia di farla al più presto…

  7. I think you made the perfect choice! This cake is stunning. Now, can you make me one of these for my birthday this week? Hope Italy is treating you well, by the looks of your photos on FB you’re having a blast 🙂 Have fun!

    • Thanks a lot Nazneen! Is going to be your birthday soon??? I’d be delight to make this cake for you! I’m having great time in Italy, a lot of stuff to do, a lot of people to meet! Thanks a lot, hugs.

  8. How could I skip your birthday!!!! Truth be told, I’ve been out the whole last week both physically and mentally…
    I must say, in my opinion, your choice of the cake for your birthday is just perfect, marvelous! I love your version of pavlova; I couldn’t wait to witness the final result ❤
    Happy birthday, Margherita! I hope you keep on celebrating passing time this wonderfully!
    Un beso

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